F ulton Science Academy Private School provides a user-friendly online platform called FSAConnect for students and parents to access important academic information. With FSAConnect, you can see your child's academic progress, daily homework, assignments, classroom handouts, projects, conduct logs, commendations, report cards, attendance records, school calendar, and much more.
"More than a Student Information System"

For parents/guardians that create an account with FSAConnect they will receive alerts daily. If you have any difficulties logging into your account, please contact Ms. Melton at smelton@fultonscienceacademy.org for assistance.
We believe that FSAConnect is an essential tool to help parents stay engaged and informed about their child's academic progress, and we encourage all families to take advantage of this valuable resource.

Student Clubs
Student Clubs
We recognize that learning does not only take place within the four walls of a classroom, and that extracurricular activities provide opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop their skills, and build meaningful connections with their peers.
Back to School
Back to School
We believe that being well-prepared with the necessary supplies is an important part of student success. Please view the attached supply list below. This is a list of necessary items that students will need to start off the year on the right foot.