W e are excited to offer a range of academic competitive teams for the 2023-2024 school year, including Science Olympiad, Model U.N., Tech Fair, Robotics, Lego League, Chess Team, Reading Bowl, Math Olympiad, Destination Imagination, and more.
Please note that participation is open to students in grades 3 through 12 for eligible teams and governed by the same rules as listed for after-school clubs and activities. Academic teams are determined in the first month of the school year.

Attend ZOOM Academic Team Information Meetings or Review the PDFs and/or Videos on the FSA website: http://fultonscienceacademy.org/academic-teams-2/
Complete the online applications using the links below.
Reminder: All Applications and Academic Teams Preference forms by the designated due date. FSA Academic Teams and Specialty Clubs FAQ
Everything you need to know about Academic Teams
What are Academic Teams?
Academic Teams for students in grades 3 through 12 include: GaSTC, Future City, Reading Bowl, Academic Quiz Bowl, History Bowl, Math Olympiad, Model UN, Robotics- FLL & Vex, and Science Olympiad, etc.
What are Specialty Clubs?
Specialty Clubs are organizations like Mustang News Team, Drama Club and Astronomy Society that require more time commitment from students outside of club time and have an increased cost associated with supplies, registrations, and extra faculty time.
Who can join Academic Teams and Specialty Clubs?
Academic Teams are available for students beginning in third grade. Academic Team members are expected to be among the best students in terms of behavior and work ethic. Specialty clubs are open to Middle and/or High School students depending on the organization.
How many Academic Teams can I join?
Elementary School students and Middle School students can join a maximum of two Academic Teams. However, you can only be in one place at a time, so if two teams meet at the same time, you must select one or the other. High School students have a recommended two team limit. Team fees will be billed through Smart Tuition. Specialty Clubs and GaSTC are not included in the “team limit”.
How much do Academic Teams and Specialty Clubs cost?
Dues for each team are $200 per year. In addition, students must pay any travel costs associated with attending competitions, field trips, workshops, etc.
How do I apply for membership on an Academic Team?
An online application is required for each Academic Team. The links are included in this message.
What is the Academic Team Preference form?
If you are in grades 3-8 and you are applying to more than one Academic Team, you must complete the Academic Team Preference Form to let us know which team(s) you most want to participate in.