We strive to reflect this commitment by creating a caring and united school community and by offering culturally responsive teaching at all levels. Our educators practice mindful and intentional awareness, strive to help all students feel safe and have a sense of belonging, and support self-esteem and student agency through cultural identity affirmation and other daily teaching practices.
Together, we actively and intentionally create a cohesive and inclusive environment and a known safe space that cultivates and encourages unbiased inquiry, empathetic leadership, and extensive cooperation whereby every single member of our student body, faculty, staff, families, and surrounding communities is recognized and respected for their inherent humanity and all are offered equitable access and opportunities to thrive.
We are empowered and inspired daily by these shared values of collective respect and inclusive integrity: they are the result of our willingness and readiness to have difficult conversations with open, respectful dialogue, to take action, and to engage in a continuous joint learning process.
We welcome and honor the rich diversity of our students, faculty, staff, families, and community stakeholders who beautifully and authentically represent and reflect the world through the variety of communities that intersect here.
At Fulton Science Academy, we respect, honor, and proudly celebrate the dignity and worth of every human being. We embrace our common humanity through acknowledgment and celebration of our diversity, our differences, and our individual perspectives articulated along a wide spectrum that includes, but certainly is not limited to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or national origin.